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Collaborative Testing Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 650820, Sterling, VA, USA 20165-0820  1-571-434-1925

Forensic Biology / DNA

Reliability, value, flexibility and frequency make our Forensic Biology and DNA proficiency tests the most popular in the industry. The Forensic Biology Series and the DNA Sample Specific Series are scheduled so that participants can choose tests from either series and remain in compliance with the FBI Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) test frequency requirements. Our schedule allows you to start at almost any time during the year. So, if you have a new analyst to be tested, CTS has you covered. In addition, CTS recognizes that some examiners work in very specialized roles; the needs of those analysts are addressed in the Other Biology/DNA Tests category. Hundreds of laboratories participate, assuring test validity that just can't be found elsewhere. But you won't have to wade through hundreds of results; instead you receive a clear and concise report for each test, specific to your laboratory and sent only to you.

Forensic Biology Tests

This series contains 6 individual tests; each test is issued once per year and allows nine weeks (from shipment to data due date) for examination. All sample sets will contain two known bloodstains and two suspected dried body fluid stains. Participants may report results for screening tests and STR/YSTR analyses for all tests; mtDNA testing is available on select test offerings. The known bloodstain samples are dried on either FTA Micro cards or cloth substrates. CTS structures its forensic biology offerings to assist laboratories in meeting the FBI Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) test frequency requirements. This series and the DNA Sample Specific series are scheduled so that participants can choose tests from either series and remain in compliance with those requirements.

DNA On-Demand

This DNA testing series can be purchased any time during the year and is shipped once payment is received. Sample sets are customized per specifications chosen at the purchasing stage. Choose from a casework-like or reference-only test series. Known samples can be on FTA cards, cloth or swabs. Questioned samples can be on swabs or cloth. Pick whether the questioned samples have neat blood or mixtures. Participants may report results for STR and YSTR analyses. Return results on a flexible schedule and receive a report immediately upon submission.

DNA - Sample Specific Tests

This series contains 6 individual tests; each test is issued once per year and allows nine weeks (from shipment to data due date) for examination. All sample sets will contain two known bloodstains and two questioned stains that are pre-screened; thus, no screening data will be collected for this testing series. Participants may report results for STR and YSTR analyses. The known bloodstain samples are dried on either FTA Micro cards or cloth substrates. CTS structures its DNA sample specific offerings to assist laboratories in meeting the FBI Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) test frequency requirements. This series and the Forensic Biology series are scheduled so that participants can choose tests from either series and remain in compliance with those requirements.

DNA Database - Saliva

The DNA Database Saliva test is offered twice a year and allows participants to choose from three different substrate options. All sample sets contain three saliva standards for testing, provided on the specified substrate. Tests that ship at the same time are not unique and will contain saliva standards from the same sources.  The substrates available include FTA Indicating Micro cards, Bode Buccal DNA Collectors™ and Puritan® Cap-Shure® Cotton Tip Swabs. Participants may report STR and/or YSTR analyses. CTS has structured the DNA Database Saliva test offerings to assist laboratories in meeting the FBI QAS semi-annual external proficiency testing frequency requirements.

DNA - Advanced Technologies

The Probabilistic Genotyping test is offered twice a year and allows participants to choose from two different known sample substrate options. All sample sets will contain two known bloodstains and two questioned mixture stains. Participants may report results for screening tests, minimum number of contributors, STR/YSTR analyses using Probabilistic Genotyping software, and likelihood ratios. The known bloodstain samples are dried on either FTA Micro cards or cloth substrates. CTS has structured the Probabilistic Genotyping test offerings to assist laboratories in meeting the FBI QAS semi-annual external proficiency testing frequency requirements.

Other Biology/DNA Tests

The processing of forensic biology samples encompasses many different steps, each with the potential of being performed by different analysts in different locations within a laboratory system. CTS recognizes this and has developed tests to meet the needs of individual analysts in task specific roles.

Analysis Types Available

Use this chart to select the Forensic Biology or DNA Sample Specific tests that best meet your needs:

Analysis Types Available by Test

Test No. Test Name Screening STR YSTR Mitochondrial Database Differential Testing
5701 Forensic Biology X X X X X 5701 or 5704 in one year
5702 Forensic Biology X X X X X 5702 or 5705 in one year
5703 Forensic Biology X X X - X 5703 or 5706 in one year
5704 Forensic Biology X X X X X 5704 or 5701 in one year
5705 Forensic Biology X X X X X 5705 or 5702 in one year
5706 Forensic Biology X X X - X 5706 or 5703 in one year
5801 DNA-Mixture - X X - X X
5802 DNA-Semen - X X - X X
5803 DNA-Blood - X X - X -
5804 DNA-Semen - X X - X X
5805 DNA-Blood - X X - X -
5806 DNA-Mixture - X X - X X


Forensic Biology / DNA Schedule

5840/5841/5842  DNA Database-Saliva ships February
5870/5875  DNA Parentage ships February
5901/2  Probabilistic Genotyping ships February
5781  Body Fluid Identification ships March
5881  DNA Interpretation releases April
5871/5876  DNA Parentage ships May
5843/5844/5845  DNA Database-Saliva ships July
5872/5877  DNA Parentage ships August
5904/5  Probabilistic Genotyping ships August
5782  Body Fluid Identification ships September
5882  DNA Interpretation releases October

Use this chart to select the Forensic Biology or DNA Sample Specific tests that help you remain in compliance with FBI QAS requirements:

Forensic Biology Series DNA Sample Specific Sample Ship Date Data Due Date
5701 Forensic Biology 5801 DNA-Mixture First week of January First week of March
5702 Forensic Biology 5802 DNA-Semen First week of March First week of May
5703 Forensic Biology 5803 DNA-Blood Third week of April Third week of June
5704 Forensic Biology 5804 DNA-Semen First week of July First week of September
5705 Forensic Biology 5805 DNA-Blood First week of September First week of November
5706 Forensic Biology 5806 DNA-Mixture Third week of October Third week of December


Portal Links

Manufacturer's Information reports for all Forensic Biology/DNA tests, including

Forensic Biology
DNA -Sample Specific
Body Fluid Identification
DNA Database - Saliva
DNA Parentage
DNA Interpretation

are found on the CTS Customer Portal.