CTS offers drug analysis proficiency tests that provide hundreds of laboratories around the world with a key tool to be certain they are operating effectively. To make the tests as challenging as possible, a diverse range of controlled (U.S. Schedule 5 to Schedule 1) and non-controlled samples are used. The tests demand accuracy on the part of your analysts, as each involves the qualitative analysis of two samples and one, both or none could be a controlled substance. CTS also offers two tests specifically designed to focus on your laboratory's abilities to determine the quantitative purity of a known drug sample. An additional test focuses on the qualitative analysis of botanical samples for marihuana, with the choice to perform quantitative analysis of THC where applicable. These tests will help prove the competency of your analysts and increase confidence in your laboratorys results.
5001 Drug Analysis | 2025: ships March |
5051 Quantitative Drug Analysis (Methamphetamine) | 2025: ships April |
5031 Marihuana Identification & THC Quantitation | 2025: ships June |
5041 Synthetic Drug Analysis | 2025: ships July |
5002 Drug Analysis | 2025: ships August |
5061 Quantitative Drug Analysis (Cocaine HCl) | 2025: ships September |
19-502 Drug Analysis
19-501 Drug Analysis
18-502 Drug Analysis
18-501 Drug Analysis
17-502 Drug Analysis
17-501 Drug Analysis
16-502 Drug Analysis
16-501 Drug Analysis
15-502 Drug Analysis
15-501 Drug Analysis
14-502 Drug Analysis
14-501 Drug Analysis
Manufacturer's Information reports for all Drug Analysis tests can be found on the CTS Customer Portal.