CTS designs its toxicology tests specifically for forensic laboratories and offers a variety of tests throughout the year to meet the needs of your laboratory's toxicology unit. These tests offer you the chance to compare statistics with other laboratories from around the world, ensuring relevant and useful results. Where appropriate, tests are as casework-like as possible with respect to analyte concentrations, packaging and sample size.
5641 Blood Alcohol Analysis | 2025: ships February |
5671 Urine Drug Analysis | 2025: ships February |
5661 Blood Drug Analysis | 2025: ships May |
5681 Breath Alcohol Simulator Solution | 2025: ships June |
5691 Breath Alcohol Calibration | 2025: ships October |
5642 Blood Alcohol Analysis | 2025: ships September |
5662 Blood Cannabinoids Analysis | 2025: ships October |
17-564 Blood Alcohol
16-565 Blood Alcohol
16-564 Blood Alcohol
15-565 Blood Alcohol
14-564 Blood Alcohol
Manufacturer's Information reports for all Toxicology tests can be found on the CTS Customer Portal.