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Collaborative Testing Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 650820, Sterling, VA, USA 20165-0820  1-571-434-1925

Crime Scene

Crime Scene Processing (Mock Crime Scene)

CTS takes proficiency tests to a new level with its customized on-site Crime Scene Processing (Mock Crime Scene) test. Laboratories can assess multiple technicians or teams per day in a scenario developed specifically for them, at a mutually agreeable location and date. Some skill sets that are tested and observed include: Evidence Recovery, PPE usage, Documentation, Photography, Sketching, Evidence Collection and Packaging. This test is included on CTS' Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043. Request a quote today for details and pricing.

Crime Scene Individual Skill Sets

CTS continues to distribute regularly scheduled tests that represent aspects of crime scene examination, such as the use of firearms at a scene, bloodstain pattern analysis as an investigative tool, the lifting and processing of latent prints, and identifying body fluid on various substrates. These tests are ideal for laboratories testing individualized skill sets as needed on a pre-determined schedule.

Crime Scene Shipping Schedule

5781  Body Fluid Identification ships March
5190  Latent Print Processing - Varied Surfaces ships May
5193  Latent Print Processing - Nonporous Surfaces ships June
5601/5605  Bloodstain Pattern Analysis ships June
5620  Shooting Reconstruction: Angle Determ. ships August
5782  Body Fluid Identification ships September
5191  Latent Print Processing - Varied Surfaces ships October

*While CTS will make every effort to adhere to the published program schedules, all dates provided are tentative and are subject to change.

Portal Links

Manufacturer's Information reports for all Crime Scene tests can be found on the CTS Customer Portal.


Get a Quotation

Crime Scene Processing Proficiency Testing at your location.