This is a 2024 Latent Prints test that is part of the CTS Late Order Purchase (LOP) plan. Credit card purchase only. Participants process several pieces of porous and nonporous evidence to develop latent prints. Samples ship in October.
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Participants process several pieces of porous and nonporous evidence to develop latent prints. Samples ship in June.

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Participants process several pieces of porous and nonporous evidence to develop latent prints. Samples ship in October.

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Participants process several pieces of nonporous evidence to develop latent prints. Samples ship in August.

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Participants analyze and identify a variety of bloodstain patterns. Test material is available in two test formats (photo or digital download). Samples ship in June.

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Participants determine the entrance hole and directionality of a bullet hole; they also have an option to report horizontal and vertical angles as well as methodologies. Samples ship in August.

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Participants analyze samples for the purpose of body fluid identification. Samples ship in March. (Screening)

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Participants analyze samples for the purpose of body fluid identification. Samples ship in September. (Screening)

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