5571 Facial Identification Examination (2025) Price: $375.00

This test is available only in a digital download format.

This test offering provides participants with the opportunity to evaluate their ability to conduct facial comparisons. Participants will be provided with pairs of digital facial images to examine and determine whether the images in each pair represented the same source or a different source. This test is only available online in TIF format. Participants are not limited to conducting only on-screen comparisons and may employ any other method. However, because of the differences in printing technology, CTS cannot guarantee the quality of images printed from the digital media.

All digital download test materials, including images and response form are only available on www.cts-portal.com. The information to access the test materials will be provided via e-mail to the primary contact on the day of test release.

Pending inclusion on CTS’ Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043.

Test materials are made available in July.

Enrollment deadline: 15 June 2025