5671 Urine Drug Analysis (2025) Price: $290.00

Participants will receive four specimen cups each containing human urine with varying concentrations of various drugs and/or metabolites, including the possibility of a negative sample. Qualitative and quantitative results will be gathered. Analyte concentrations are presented in case-like ranges for Medicolegal Death Investigations, Impaired Driving Investigations, Drug-Facilitated Crime Investigations or Workplace Testing.

The purpose of this test is the examination of drugs listed in section 1308 of Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations under the United States Controlled Substances Act that fall into the following classes: benzodiazepines, nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics (z-drugs), barbiturates, opioids, illicit hallucinogens, illicit stimulants, illicit depressants, and cannabinoids. A key feature of this test offering is the ability to perform toxicological analysis on four separate samples of human urine. Samples are provided in high volumes that are likely to be seen in casework and allow for multiple aliquots to be tested, if necessary.

This test is included on CTS' Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17043:2010.

Samples ship in March.

Enrollment deadline: 1 November 2024